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Sterculiaceae 2860 Shrub, ca 1.50 m with fruits only. Rutaceae 2861 Metrodorea flavida Krause [[?]] Tree, ca. 10 m, near igarape ? 2862 Shrub, ca. 1.50 m with large yellow orange [[strikethrough]] ([[pole?]]) [[/strikethrough]] Melastomataceae 2863 ^[[Miconia eriocalyx Cogn.]] Shrub or small tree ca. 2-4 m with young fruits. [[end page]] [[start page]] July 16 2864 Rondonia, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Minecacao Sao Lourenco ^[[ +- 20]] km NW of Mutum parana, Igarape Sao Lourenco ^[[ [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] south of main villa.]] Rubiaceeae Herb, near igarape. Bracts red,flower yellow. [[Legumian. Papila.?]] 2865 Climbing plant [[?]], [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] at edge of forest, flower violet blue. Eragrostis 2866 growing at edge of forest abundant.
Transcription Notes:
Many diacritical marks missing in the transcription of place names.