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Very unusual [[guodina?]], growing very separated from each other, not forming clumps some culm ± close as 30cm but mostly very far apart, some from 1.74m to 1.83m. Culms very strong and [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] solid [[/underlined]] all the way from base to tip and ultimately branched internodes smooth nodes with strong doble ridge and 3 strong but short [[hook?]] like spines. [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Up above same (± 1m start developping main branch which has shoot internodes, even shorter than culm with 3 leaf complement on each or some spines (small) leaf complement of ± small lanceolate rather narrow blades. Leaves from main culm on 1 or 2 small branches lateral to the main. These [[end page]] [[start page]] leaf complement large and blade also large. Looks like [[pubescent?]] on the [[aboreal?]] [[side?]] Culm leaf deciduous [[on?]] main culm and [[underlined]] no new [[/underlined]] shoots seen. On developing main nodes we found culm leaves still attached. Very pretty [[?]] or so with short erect blade ending (or formed only by?) a [[thing?]] awn. [[yellow highlighted]] Photo [[/yellow highlighted]] B&W & color 400 Ekt. of rhizome and few of plant. (dark or ± cloudy) Bulky material: 2 leaf rhizome, pieces of one and branch complement_ FAA: leaves only _ growing on low tree forest but dense, like [[cerrodis?]] type. In some are mixed with a Merostachy sp. (2874) or tall campina