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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Merostachys 2874 ([[strikethrough]]same[[/strikethrough]] locat. as (Guadua) Beautiful Merostachys forming very dense large clumps. in low dense forest mixed with bamboo, also mixed with Mer. a very rare Guadua About 8 m tall & less than 1 cm in diam. ±_ Very thin, fragile culms, very smooth surface, with small, [simple nodal [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] axion; (no upper ridge and no girdle or thick ring or hairs. Culm leaf [[caducoces?]] with blade [[?]] & [[caducoces?]] Very few new culm seen Many branches per nodes and very thin, delicate branches, leaf complement medium-small, Blades narrow, glabrous & little [[?]] _ Rhizome typical, ± dense pachymorph -
Transcription Notes:
caducoces = caducous?