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Roddiella sp (tender leaves)
[[underlined]] R. Negro, Rio Curicuriari [[/underlined]], [[?]]
sobre pedrás, pento e campina det. firre
Prance & Ramos

[[underlined]] Roddiella [[/underlined]] sp. (tender leaves)
Serra da Lua, rio Urubu,
between Cachoeira [[Traceurra?]]
e Natal.
[[underlined]] Prance [[/underlined]] & Ramos June 6. 1968

Roraima: Rio Uraricocira,
vicinity of Uaica airstrip
Indian trail from [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]]
Surucucu to Uaica
[[underlined]] Roddiella [[/underlined]] (tender leaves)
Rio Urubu, Manaus-Caracarai
Km 115. growing in
masses on rock face
Prance, J. Ramos.            Aug.75

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Transcription Notes:
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