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Pteridophyte           2878

Epiphytes on trees at edge of river

(Boraginaceae [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]])n    2879
Shrub, near edge of river, white

Virola            2880

[[strikethrough]]Shrub[[/strikethrough]] Small tree ca. 3cm - with flowers_

Meliaceae              2881

[[strikethrough]]Tree[[/strikethrough]] Shrub ca. 2 m. ivory color flower, with perfume.

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Piperaceae             2882

Epiphyte, on forest at edge of river.

Acanthaceae            2883

Small plants with pale lilac flowers growing in terra firme forest near river.

Leguminosae             2884

Tree about 6 m, cauliflora flower bright red with rose petals like when young, turning red as the rest when mature? some with fruit.