Viewing page 24 of 81

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[[underlined]] Myristicaceae [[/underlined]]           2885
Iryanthera coriacea Ducke
[[strikethrough]] Shrub [[/strikethrough]] Small tree ca. 3 mm. in flower

[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Flacourtiaceae         2886
Casearia sp. 
Shrub. ca 1.5-2m with 
very young flower buds

[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Sapindaceae      2887
Tree ca 5 m, flowers ivory,

Zegum. Mimosoideae     2888

Tree, ca. 6m. flower white
[[?]] [[?]] do [[rio?]]

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[[start page]]

Apocynaceae             2889
Tree ca. 6 m. flower
white with perfume, at
edge of river

Legum. [[Mi?]]          2890
[[?]] [[?]]

Tree ca 7m. flower cream

Cyperacea                  2891
growing between rocks at
edge of river, remote zuke

Transcription Notes:
2nd line: Looks like Tryanthera but I believe it is Iryanthera, a plant in the Myristicaceae family (referenced in first line)