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[[?]]. dolphin[[?]]. 2892 Tree ca. 6 m with spike like inflorescences Sapindaceae 2893 Tree ca. 7 m with white flowers, (fruits 3 ringed) _ Aug. 1st- 2894 Am, Rio [[Urubu?]], between Manaus - Caracarai Road and [[Serra da Lua?]]. Near Serra da Lua [[?]] [[?]]. Beautiful, [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] in new forest [[?]] near road to [[Lauina?]] Down river is even more [[?]] been the dominant plant under the canopy on both sides of river and [[end page]] [[start page]] on the gentle slopes up to the top or plateau where it's scarce or disapeared. Plants mostly [[small??]] looking like a young population, from ca. 80 cm to 2 m ± but here & there some taller and in some spots a mature clump with vine like [[?]] ± 6 m high and [[??]] thicker [[strikethrough]] between 5 x 1 cm [[/strikethrough]] about 1/2 cm or little more, but less than 1 cm. Otherwise stem thread like and [[?]], [[??]] leaf & look like the whole plant [[sharp?]][[?]] like [[?]], cutting or [[?]] [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] [[spi?]] a [[strikethrough]]sti[[/strikethrough]] sticking to clothes or skin - [[?]] leaf all [[?]] ("[[?]]" also) Sheath with a thick, cork like callous - [[?]] on the back near the base. [[?]] edge of [[?]] with a crown of stiff, curly hairs, white and stick in groups looking like a ring of triangle in a disc Almost all the overlapping edge of the sheath with long, [[?]] hairs [[Oval?]] [[?]] long & coffee color. [[??]] leaf blade [[underlinec]] erect [[/underlined]], long [[symbol - narrow upright isosceles triangle]] about 2/3 the length of sheath [[end page]]