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? Bamboo 2910 Arthrostylidium sp! ([[?t.]] 9/10/79) Growing at edge of river. Very common here & there in [[?]]. ^[[It is common ]] from ^[[the intersection with]] road to [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] ^[[this area]] (about 1/2 k. ^[[by]] [[motor?]] [[boat?]]). Climbing branches from discrete [[?]], (not big) [[strikethrough]]not [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] and not erect but arching and leaning & climbing over [[?]]_ Culm smooth , not [[?]] Culm leaves [[underlined]] persistent [[/underlined]] all over the plant with blade almost reduced to a very small, erect joint or [[?]] Sheath smooth, not hairy - No new shoot seen Culms from [[strikethrough]]not[[/strikethrough]] about 2 m or so [[start?]] [[branching?]], on lower part, 1 branch, [[then?]] 3 branches, central [[?]] (not much), [[strikethrough]][[at]][[strikethrough]] in some places 5 branches - [[strikethrough]]Leaves[[/strikethrough]] Leaf complement large, many leaves [[end page]] [[start page]] blades long, smooth, base with well [[marked?]] petiole and [[few?]] on small oval [[setae?]]_ . [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Internodes of culm short. Rhizome with ± short necks, (regular type)- [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Culm with small hole thick wall, in lower 1/2, upper branches and upper part solid_ [[yellow highlighted]]Photo[[/yellow highlighted]] : some b.& white & color _ FAA: 2 [[leaves]]. & buds_ bulky m : rhiozome, culm branch complement.