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Augt. 3.                      2911
( [[circled]]B[[/circled]]. capitata complex  ([[oct?]].79) 
Another ? , hard to say 
what it is - looks at first 
glance like the others 
but in detail all are 
[[symbol - 'not equal' sign]]. 
Small clumps growing at 
edge of river (which is 
periodically inundated) not 
growing far, inside 
[[foveal?]], the same for the 
others [[?]] (2910) - 
Climbing [[?]], from 
base curved and vary 
up over the trees hanging 
culm sheath long persistent sheath smooth, Blade
long [[underline]]reflexed[[/underline]], narrow pointed, in some places 
when very dry out, 
[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] or then deciduous. 
[[underline]]Long, milky[[/underline]] oral setae - 
Culm internodes smooth 
not very long, thicker walls 

[[end page]] 
[[start page]] 

and small lumen when 
mature & dry. Long culm 
solid but center with 
pith (look like small holes) 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] . Culm strong _ 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Nodes with upper 
ridge marked. [[Branch?]] 
complement. Mostly 1 
branch, in some flora 
that broke first one 
or two on the ridge. 
Branch complement high position 
between ridges. 
Leaf complement, large of 
several leaves, Blades 
long ± narrow, rhex 
petioles & long milky oval setae_ 
New shoot founded 2_ 

[[yellow highlight]]Photo[[/yellow highlight]] : Bl & W_ color 

[[underline]]FAA[[/underline]]: [[?]], pieces of culm & 
buds (2 v.) 
rhizome, culm [[?]], south 