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Malpighiaceae 2927 Cipo over tree at edge of river with fruit only Sapindaceae 2928 Tree , ca. 7 m along river in fruits only [[Leguminasae Minamoridae?]] 2929 Tree about 7-10 m along river, common [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[US, K WIS]] [[Lymanaranthe?]] sp. 2930 Abundant on beach of river not [[strikethrough]] sl [[/strikethrough]] sure if [[big?]] one, looks internodian FAA: Whole infloresc. Legum. Cesalpinoidae 2931 Swartzie? Tree about 12 m.[[?]] with flowers, yellow and with perfume. Miristicaceae 2932 Virola elongate[[strikethrough]] [[a fell affair?]] [[/strikethrough]] (B&L) WarS. Tree about 5 m