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Trickey standing on the wing - but Sond died from his burns- while Trick only had blistered hands. Gifferd was shot thru the leg from the ground, suffered complications and had to lose the leg. Murphy was hit in the foot by anti-aircraft but is already home and parading 5th Ave. in slacks and a cane, so they say. Those were the only casualties after yours. You were the first man in the squadron to be decorated. About 3 days after the 3rd Corps notified us that they had a D. S. C. for you. Bab, Bernheimer, Page, Palmer and myself were likewise honored and Hitch's and Burn's were sent home. John [[Rashcourt??]] came around about a week late and we gave him his at dinner one evening. He was on his way to Nice to convalesce, and he was going by way of Colombey he promised to take your baggage (stored at Colombey) along and stop off at Beaune to give it to you. This he failed to do, for it was found at Colombey some time after Nov. 11 and we brought it into Germany with us. Balfay (now adjutant) has or will send it to you by some secret official channel he alone knows of. I will make him unite