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Chattanooga. The car tracks have since been recovered and visiting the park again in 1934 I had difficulty in finding the place. There is a large rectangular field extending northward from Snodgrass Hill, and along the eastern edge of this field, near its northern end, barracks had been built to house 15 companies of about 160 men each. Each company occupied three wooden buildings placed end to end. The office of each company faced a little ravine beyond which lay a north-and-south road. Across the ravine, in a wooded area, were mes halls, one for each company; a camp headquarters building, a quartermaster's [[best guess]] building, and an open-air amphitheatre where we later had evening lectures. A Y.M.C.A. but was shortly completed. All these buildings are now gone.
     I reported at camp headquarters and was sent to company 13. Arriving there, I found perhaps half a dozen other new arrivals. The company commander, Captain Carpenter, was a reserve infantry officer who was replaced a few days later by a regular army captain.
     My first acquaintance was a Chattanooga man named Harold Kistler. He was a handsome young National Guard sergeant who, having reported early, was put in charge of handling the new men as they arrived. He became the first sergeant of the outfit, and was an efficient man. I respected Kistler, but being a bit too cynical for my own good even in those days, I always felt that he was too obsequious toward his superiors and just an overgrown Boy Scout. Such men, however, make good soldiers.
     A folding wooden cot was assigned to