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being dismissed.
Fortunately I had in boyhood ridden mules and work horses, usually bareback, enough to be able to stay on. I was not a graceful horseman, but I took the hurdles and slid down the hills as well as any. I had curried enough horses to know something of grooming, and Sauels passed me without comment when some of the city bred cadets received severe and profane criticisms.
I first came under fire day one when on duty as orderly in his office. I sat in a chair outside his door except when sent on some errand. He passed in and out a number of times. At first I rose and saluted each time he passed. Finally I felt rather idiotic at doing it so often and remembered something in the regulations to the effect that repeated salutes were unnecessary if the officer remained in the same general vicinity, so the next time Sauds passes I rose and stood at attention, but did not salute. He turned after he had passed and said; "I don't give a damn about my own dignity, but I want all members of my outfit to observe military courtesy. Don't you know that you are supposed to salute and officer?"
I told him of the considerations which had led to my breach of discipline, and apologized. He made some sarcastic remark and went on. I felt that I might as well prepare to turn in my equipment, but nothing happened. 
Some time later we were doing mounted battery drill with the guns one day. I was riding on a caisson, as a humble cannoneer. Our corporal made the wrong move in,