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August, we were assembled in the
company street and Sands read to us a
telegram from the War Department,
granting commissions to (I believe) 120
men. Ten or twelve still remaining in 
the battery were left out, through some of
these were kept for the second training
camp which began shortly after. The
first ended- The battery had one major,
Bacon; four captains , whose names,
except Poague, I do not remember; twelve 
first lieutenants, including Thompson
and Morton Adams; the rest of us shavetails,
in which group my name was twenty-
first , immediately following Charlie
    Two of three days remained, the
camp ending its work August  fifteenth
Shortly after the commissioned list was
read and posted a further order reached
Sands, requiring him to assign [[strikeout]] twenty [[/strikeout]] [[insert]] fifteen [[/insert]]
men for immediate orders to France.
He assembled us, read the order, and
asked all those who wished to be on the
list to step forward- The whole battery
except a dozen or so, applied- Sands
made some critical remarks about those
who did not offer to go, and dismissed
the company-
   In the afternoon I went to see Sands
at his quarters. He was lying on his cot in
his tent as I entered and did not get
up. I saluted stood at attention and
said that I wished to make a special 
request to be out on the list for duty 
overseas- He asked me if I felt that I 
deserved special consideration. I replied
that I  did not; but that possibly some of those
who had volunteered in the morning had
done so simply because they did not wish