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four on the port bow and four more from starboard a little later. They are mean-looking little devils, low and slim, with wonderful speed. I am going to sleep better tonight."

"Friday, 21st. Formation on deck at 5:30 again this morning. The destroyers kept on the flanks, and in front, dashing out now and then like bird dogs. It makes one feel more at ease to have them around. Tonight we had a little poker game. Came down at midnight, and the wind was blowing harder than at any time on the voyage."

On Saturday morning, Sept. 22nd, I got out on deck at 6 o'clock and found land in sight on the starboard side. It was mountainous and wild-looking. I heard later that it was Rathlin island, off the north coast of Ireland. All day we hugged the Irish coast, until some time in the afternoon. The ships of the convoy were strung out in single file. Once during the morning I heard firing far astern. Two or three destroyers turned and dashed madly back in that direction. We never saw them again. In the [[strikethrough]] late [[/strikethrough]] afternoon we started across the Irish sea, passing in sight of the Isle of Man. Late that night we passed the light at Great Orme Head, on the Welsh coast, and anchored at the mouth of the Mersey.

"Sunday, 23rd. This morning we drifted leisurely up to the dock (at Liverpool) and disembarked. I recall a big billboard, as we passed up the