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Par 61, SO 69 Hq AU, dtd 28 Apr 50 (Contd)

[[4 column table
[[underlined]] Name | Asg to | DDALVP | Rptg dt [[/underlined]]

COL ALAN D CLARK 1340A USAF | Hq 1003d IG Unit HQ 
Command Bolling AFB Wash DC with dy sta at Kelley
 AFB San Antonio Tex (Hq Command) | 30 | 24 Jul 50

*COL HERBERT N COWLES 1003A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq USAF DCS/Opns and dy with Dir of Plans and Opns (HQ USAF)|30 | 24 Jul 50

*COL GEORGE B DANY 1061A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq USAF DCS/Pers and dy with Dir of Training (Hq USAF) | 30 | 24 Jul 50

[[red underlined]] *COL BENJAMIN O DAVIS JR 1206A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq USAF DCS/Opns and dy with Dir of Plans and Opns (Hq USAF) | 30 | 24 Jul 50 [[/red underlined]]

COL LEIGHTON I DAVIS USAF Institute of Technology | 111A USAF | Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio (AU)| 30 | 24 Jul 50

COL D'ROSS ELLIS | 953A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq 3750th Tech Tng Wg | ATRC Sheppard AFB Witchita Falls Tex (ATRC) | 30 | 24 Jul 50

*COL WALLACE S FORD | 1461A USAF | Hq USAF Central Control Group  Joints Chief of Staff for dy with the Joint Staff (Hq USAF)| 30 | 24 Jul 50

COL SAMUEL J GORMLEY JR | 575A USAF | Hq 1003d IG Unit Hq Command  Bolling AFB Wash DC with stn at Kelley AFB San Antonio Tex (Hq Command) | 30 | 24 Jul 50

COL PERRY B GRIFFITH | 1075A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq Special Weapons Command Kirtland AFB Albuquerque N Mex (SWC) | 30 | 24 Jul 50 

*COL LINSCOTT A HALL 1342A USAF | Hq & Hq Sq USAF DCS/Opns and dy with Dir of Intelligence (Hq USAF) | 30 | 24 Jul 50

*Upon arr rpt to Rm 1E 408 National Defense Bldg
* * * * *
Laurence B. Kelley
Colonel, USAF
Chief of Staff


[[signature]] F E Lankston [[/signature]]
Major, USAF
Adjutant General