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[[underlined]] RESTRICTED [[/underlined]]


4 September 1946

SEE PAR [[strikethrough]] ^[[17]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[15]]
NUMBER 192):

1. Extracted.

2. Extracted.

3. Extracted.

4. Extracted.

5. VOCO 1 Sep 46 authorizing fol named EM, AC, (N) orgns indicated this sta to rat sep fr orgn and auth mon alws in lieu of rats as prescribed in Sec II WD Cir 197/45 is confirmed and made a matter.  Pmts will be continued while EM remain in this status and is chargeable to 707-16 P 411-07 A 2170502:

[[underlined]] 318th AAF BU (Base Services) [[/underlined]]
Pfc Hozzie Howard, RA34243527 | Sq A
Pfc Amzi Tucker, RA38668187 | Sq S

[[underlined]] 617th Bomb Sq (M), 477th Composite Gp [[/underlined]]
Sgt Marvin L Reed, RA35798686

6.  CAPT CARL B TAYLOR, 0-1001695, AC, (N) Sq A, 318th AAF BU (Base Services) this sta, is aptd Investigating Off to investigate the unsatisfactory payment of troops at this sta for the month of Jul 46.  Special report required by par 4, AAF Reg 33-1 dtd 1 Jul 45, as amended will be fwd to reach this Hq with the least practicable delay.

7.  1ST LT THERNELL R ANDERSON, 0-575445, AC, (N) Sq A, 318th AAF BU (Base Services) this sta, is reld fr asgmt and Asst Billeting O (pdy) and aptd Asst Publications O (pdy) eff this date.

8.  1ST LT EUGENE P CHEATHAM, 0-817598, AC, (N) 617th Bomb Sq (M), 477th Composite Gp this sta, is designated to audit Price List of Sales Commissary at this sta on 6 Sep 46 rptg NLT 0800 to Sales Officer in Bldg T-418.

[[strikethrough]] ^[[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] RESTRICTED [[/underlined]]