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[[underlined]] SO 192 Hq LAAB Columbus, O  4 Sep 46 cont'd [[/underlined]]

9.  Pfc 055 MCO 010 Dewitt Grier, RA42019035 AC (N) Sta Hosp, Det of Patients this sta, is reld fr asgmt and dy thereto, trfd in atchd unasgd [[?]] status WP o/a 4 Sep 46 to Det of Patients Valley Forge Gen Hosp, Phoenixville Pa., for further observation, treatment and appropriate disposition.  Patient will be accompanied by Sgt Matthew Farley, RA34524019, Sq H 318th AAF BU (Base Services) this sta, (attendant).  Upon completion EM (attendant) will return proper sta, Lockbourne AAB, Columbus, O.  S/R and allied papers will accompany patient.  PCS.  EDCMR 4 Sep 46.  TBMAA.  TDN 701-52 P 432-02, 03, 07 S 99-[[?]]

10.  VOCO 30 Aug 46 directing fol named O and EM, AC, (N) orgns indicated, this sta, to proceed on TDY for approx one (1) to Rockford Arms Dep Toledo, Ohio, on matters pertaining to this command, is confirmed and made a matter of record.  Upon completion of TDY O and EM will ret to proper sta, Lockbourne AAB, Columbus, O.  TBGAA.  No perdiem auth:

1ST LT EUGENE F TYREE, 0-1576754 | Sq M, 318th AAF BU (Base Services)
Cpl Matt Reavis, RA34850210 | 602d Air Engineering Sq
Pvt Henry F Hogan, RA34181328 | 617th Bomb Sq (M), 477th Composite Gp
S/Sgt Elbert Brown, RA34090191 | Sq M, 318th AAF BU (Base Services)
M/Sgt Jessie Jones, RA16039783 | Sq S, 318th AAF BU (Base Services)

11.  VOCO 31 Aug 46 directing Pfc William T Edmonds, RA33542733, AC, ([[?]] Sq H, 318th AAF BU (Base Services) this sta, to proceed TDY for approx thirty (30) days eff 31 Aug 46 to Columbus, Ohio rptg upon arrival to 209 S Third Street on medical matters pertaining to this command, the exigencies of the sv having precluded the issuance of orders in advance.  Upon completion of TDY EM will ret to proper sta, Lockbourne AAB, Columbus, O. 

TBGAA.  UP AR 35-4810, FD will pay in advance the prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a/r $1.00 per meal for ninety (90) meals to one (1) EM and qrs a/r $2.00 per day for thirty (30) days to one (1) EM.  TDN 702-7206 P 432-02 A 2170425 S 33-024.

12.  VOCO 2 Sep 46 directing Cpl Richard Carrell, 37140536 AC, (N) Hq, 477th Composite Gp, this sta, to proceed TDY for approx thirty (30) days eff 2 Sep 46 to Columbus, Ohio rptg upon arrival to 209 S Third Street on medical matters pertaining to this command is confirmed and made a matter of record, the exigencies of the sv having precluded the issuance of orders in advance.  Upon completion of TDY EM will ret to proper sta, Lockbourne AAB, Columbus, O. 

TBGAA.  UP AR 35-4810, FD will pay in advance the prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a/r $1.00 per meal for ninety (90) meals to one (1) EM and qrs a/r $2.00 per day for thirty (30) days to one (1) EM.  TDN 702-7206 P 432-02 A 2170425 S 33-024.

[[underlined]] RESTRICTED [[/underlined]]