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Gotham Field, Kentucky

See Par____          21 February 1946

1. So much of par 22, SO 39, this Hq, as pertains to S/Sgt Aaron J, Lyons, 35439007, 617th Bomb Sq (M), 477th Composite Gq, is deleted, (Re: EM to Sep C)

2. VOCO 1 Feb 46 authorizing the fol nsmed EM, AC, Sq G, 118th AAF BU (Bomb(M) and Ftr) this sta, to rat sep fr orgns and auth the mon alws in lieu of rats as prescribed in Sec II WD Cir 197/45. Pmts will be continued while EM remain in this status and is chargeable to 607-16 P 411-07 A 212/60502, are confirmed and made a matter of record:

Pfc Earl Love, 34347491
Pfc Edward Arnell, 34903396
Pfc King D. Moss, 35227098

3. Pfc 259 (MCO 499) Leroy Bowden, 34662083, (N), RA (1 yr) having rptd this sta 21 Fev 46 in compliance with par 18 SO 50 Hq, ASF, 4th SvC, RC, Ft Bragg, NC, dtd 19 Feb 46, is asgd to Sq G, 118th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) this sta. EDCMR 21 Feb 46.

4. VOCO 19 Feb 46 authorizing S/Sgt Fred Hicks,35379142, AC,RA,Sq G. 119th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) this sta, to rat sep fr orgns and auth the mon alws in lieu of rats as prescribed in Sec II WD Cir 197/45. Pmts will be continued while EM remains in this status and is chargeable to 607-16 P 411-07 A 212/60502, is confirmed and made a matter of record.

5. So much of par 3 SO 26, this Hq, cs, as pertains to Cpl Wallace E.Coger, 36826150, AC, 602d Air Engr Sq, this sta, is deleted. (Re: EM to Sep C, Cp McCoy, Wis)

6. S/Sgt (MOS and MCO Unknown) Navie G.Tatum,33419229, (N), AC, RA(3 yrs) having been asgd this sta per par 350 SO 40 Sq, ASF, 3d SvC, Ft Geo.G.Meade, Md, dtd 9 Feb 46, VOCO 11 Feb 46 assigning EM to Sq D, 119th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) this sta, is confirmed and made a matter of record. EM now on reenlmt fur will report 13 May 46. EDCMR 11 Feb 46.

7. So much of par 8 SO 34, this Hq, cs, as reads, "S/Sgt Benjamin D.Metts, 11110656" is amended to read "Sgt Benjamin D.Metts,11110656." (Re: Em to Sep C, Ft Devens, Mass)

8. So much of par 17 SO 38, this Hq, c s as reads "COL 8.0.DAVIS,JR,0-020146" is amended to read "COL BENJAMIN O.DAVIS,JR,0-020146" and further amended to add the fol: MAJ GEORGE W.WEBB,04230090, Sq D, 119th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) and CAPT PAULUS C.TAYLOR,0-582499, Sq D, 118th AAF BU (Bomb (M) andFtr). (Re: TDY of 0's to Lockbourne Army Air Base)
