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[[underline]] R E S T R I C T E D 
SO 42, Hg, AAB, Godman Fld, Ky 21 Feb 46, par 15 cont'd

[[3 column table]] Pfc Alex Briggs | 34911655 | Sq D, 118th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) |
Pvt Wilbur McMoore | 36788632 | Sq D, 118th AAF BU (Bomb (M) and Ftr) | [[/3 column table]]

Provisions of par 4b FAF Cir 46-4, 15 Aug 45 will be complied with. RTO will furn nec rail T. PAC AR 30-2215, the RTO will determine and issue the number of meal tickets as the journey may require. TDN 601-28 P 432-02,A 212/60425.

16. F/O 1035 MCO 30,997 LEVERT V.MIDDLETON, T-136672, AC, (N), 617th Bomb Sq (M), 477th Composite Gp, this sta, is reld fr asgmt and dy this sta o/a 26 Feb 46 and atchd unasgd Sep C, Cp Blanding, Fla and WP home, 1023 First St, Bradenton, Fla via Sep C, Cp Blanding, Fla rptg prior to 1200 1 Mar 46 for TDY as required for processing to revert to inactive status not by reason of physical disability. AUS apmt continues in force during the present emerg and for six (6) mos thereafter unless sooner terminated DP. AUS AC apmt terminates EDCMR date. Terminal lv and WD AGO Form 53-98 auth. Mail recd for 0 after departure fr present sta will be fwd to home addess indicated and not to Sep C. PCS. EDCMR 1 Mar 46. 5AJ2-43 code designation asgd this movement. (Auth: TWX CAF AlB4 1098,12 Jan 46 and RR 1-1)


1st Lt., Air Corps
Asst Adjutant


[[signature]] JUNIUS R. SAVAGE [[/signature]]
1st Lt., Air Corps
Asst Adjutant