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SO #169 Hq AAF, Washington, D. C.
16 July 1945

[[underline]] Name | Asgd to [[/underline]]
LESLIE W HOLMAN | 2000th AAF Base Unit
0397373 (2161) | (Hq AFTRC), Fort Worth, Tex
FREDERICK E. PRICE | 3502d AAF Base Unit
0393197 (1091) | (Tech Sch, Helicopter Sch), AFTRC, Chanute Fld, Ill

16. Par 27, SO 167, this hq 13 July 1945,relating to MAJ GUY T HUTHNANCE, 0324476, AC (2120), is amended[[underline]] to auth a 14 daty delay enroute provided off has sufficient accrued lv. [[/underline]]

[[Paragraph marked with handwritten bracket]] 17. Par 13, SO 162, this hq, 7 July 1945, relating to COL BENJAMIN O DAVIS, 020146, AC (1055)is revoked.

[[Paragraph marked with handwritten bracket]] 18. The VOCG, On 21 June 1945 are confirmed and made a matter of record:
COL BENJAMIN O DAVIS 020146, AC(1055), having reported at Godman Fld, Ky, on 21 June 1945, in compliance with par 35, SO 164, Hq, 1378th AAF Base Unit, North Atlantic Div, ATC, Ft Totten, LI, NY, dated 13 June 1945, is hereby asgd to the 60th AAF Base Unit (Hq, Continental Air Forces), Bolling Fld, DC, w/sta at Godman Fld, Ky. PCS. TDN. Tvl of dependents and shpmt of household goods are chargeable to 601-31 P 431-02, 03, 07 A 212/60425 S 99-999. EDCMR: 21 JUNE 1945.
19. So much of par 20, SO 164, this hq, 10 July 1945, as relates to CAPT JOHN V FLECKENSTEIN, 0885381, AC (8503), is revoked.

20. The VOCG, AAF, on 10 July 1945, are confirmed and made a matter of record, the exigencies of the sv having been such as to prevent the issuance of orders in advance:
2D LT ROBERT D KNAPP, JR, 02038873, AC, having been returned from overseas, and having reported at this hq for asgmt to dy in compliance with par 7, SO 36, Hq AF Staging Airdrome No. 2, APO 528, dated 3 July 1945, is asgd to the 1020th AAF Base Unit (AAF Redistribution Sta No 2), AFPDC, Miami Beach, Fla, for processing. WP San Antonio, Tex, from Washington, DC, on TDY for a period of 30 days in connection with rest and recuperation, and upon expiration of that period WP Miami Beach, Fla. Auth is granted to visit such add places within the US as may be desired during the period of this TDY for rehabilitation, recuperation, and recovery at no expense to the Govt. PCS. TDN. TPA. 601-31 P 431-02, 03, 07 A 212/60425 S 99-999. EDCMR: 10 July 1945. 

21.MAJ RUSSELL A POTTER, 0401048, AC (2161), is reld from asgmt and dy at Hq AAF, Office of Flying Safety, Washington, DC, and is asgd to the 592d AAF Base Unit (2d Mil Air Transport GP), ATC, AAB, Ft Dix, NJ. WP. PCS. TDN. TPA. 601-31 P 431-02, 03, 07 A 212/60425 S 99-999. EDCMR: 23 July 1945.


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