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[[underlined]] WEIGHT AND BALANCE QUESTIONNAIRE [[/underlined]]

I - Given the following facts complete a form DD 365F for a C-47 flight in aircraft 43-48503 to Berlin (2 hrs 30 min duration).  Prepare the Form F as you would if you were going to attach it to your AF 175.
1.  Basic aircraft - 17076 lb.
2.  Basic index - 32.2
3.  58 gallons of oil (wt 7.5 lb/gal.)
4.  Crew of four (2 in A compartment, 2 in C compartment).
5.  804 gallons of fuel (wt. 6 lb/gal.)
6.  Ballast in H compartment - 125 lbs.
7.  Cargo - 3500 lbs of 100 lb cement bags.
8.  Passengers - 2 at 200 lbs per person.
Arrange the load so as to have the center of gravity located between 19% and 21% of the MAC.
Estimate your landing condition.

II - Mark the appropriate answer to the following questions.

1.  Where can the most current figures for the basic weight and index be found?
a.  Annual weighing form
b.  Old Form F's found in the weight and balance record
[[circled]] c. [[/circled]]  Chart C

2.  If you are required to complete a 365F on a cargo without the use of the load adjuster you could:
a.  Use the load adjuster from a different type aircraft.
b.  Arrange the load as best you can by trial an error.
[[circled]] c. [[/circled]]  Complete the form by use of a moment computation.

3.  Aircraft are required to be weighted:
a.  Once a year.
b.  After a major modification or change in basic weight.
c.  Flight characteristics are such that the pilot reports unsatisfactory balance conditions.
d.  The basic data are suspected to be in error.
[[circled]] e. [[/circled]]  All of the above.