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West Point Negro Entry
Meets Test, Is Accepted
B.O. Davis Jr., Chicago Is 
Son of Colonel in Calvery

From the Herald Tribune Bureau

WASHINGTON, May 18 -- The son of a Negro calvary officer in the United states Army is to be the second accepted West Point appointee of Representative Oscar De Priest, Republican, of Illinois, the only Negro in Congress. 

The War Department announced today that Benjamin O. Davis Jr., who was appointed to the United States Military Academy  by Mr. De Priest, had passed his examination and had said he would accept appointment. He was been ordered to report at West Point on July 1.  He is the son of Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, now on active duty as an instructor at Tuskegee Institute for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

Colonel Davis, one of the few high ranking Negro officers in the regular Army, began his service as a private in the Spanish-American War. He won promotions regularly and was made a colonel in 1930. Officers here expect that the younger Davis's military background will be of aid to him at West Point.

The other appointee of Representative De Priest who passed his examinations and began his course at West Point was found deficient later in some of his studies. When he left the Academy he said he had been fairly treated.

The Davis home is in Chicago.
^[[5/19/32. New York Herald Tribune]]
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