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[[image - shield for United States Military Academy]]
United States Military Academy
West Point, New York

Thursday, May 31st. ^[[1934]]

My dear Dad,
I am certainly glad that your Commencement Week went off so very well. I can understand perfectly what good results mean, especially when they represent a lot of hard work. My work is about finished too, and I'm sure I can say that I am "putting out" up to the last minute.

I hope that you can make the trip South with me, but I wish to repeat that I understand your position perfectly, and that I merely suggested it in the event that you will be able to make the trip without going to a lot of trouble. I really don't think it will be worth it, if you have to go through a lot of red tape to accomplish it. About the only think I can say definitely is that I shall arrive in Tuskegee [[underlined]] before [[/underlined]] June 20th. I have set that date as a deadline.

As I stated in my last letter, I am not at all certain that I shall come through