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[[image - hand drawn arrow pointing at the following paragraph]]

fully furred at birth but sparse fur on [[strikethrough]] belly [[/strikethrough]] venter with belly naked.

Tail sparsely furred - no distinguishing characters.

Colonel Ezekiel
Atlas Drummond

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Leontopithicus rosalia [[/underlined]]

10 July 77 -- [[image - circle with right pointing arrow]] 102061
born to 67-H X 67-M

Found on floor of cage @ 0730. Attempts to return him to to parents did not succeed. Could not cling. Attempted retrievals by both parents.
wght ~ 49.5g

[[margin]] fed @ 4 cc total [[/margin]]

10 am fed ~ 10 drops 10% dextrose. Regurgitated some during feeding. Stimulated to urin & def. w/moist cotton.

During feeding exhibited gape response several times. Vocalized when put down. Used Deinhardt nipple
In Incubator 86 ̊F 

1215 PM Fed @ 0.4cc 
1/2 [[strikethrough]] SMA [[/strikethrough]] ^[[similac]] & 1/2 10% dextrose lapped well - little vocalizing, urinated & defecated.

Using Deinhardt nipple

~1400 showed several minutes of hiccupping.