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22 July 77 Day 13 [[E]]=20.4cc
0830 3.0cc SMA & SusT
0920 Observed defecating
hunches over, raises base of
tail. Feces well-formed
boluses (2)- medium brown
1030 2.4cc SMA & SusT.
1345 3.0cc "[[ditto for SMA]] "[[ditto for SusT.]]
Film by Hoage & stills-Dorsey
1700 3.0cc
1815 wght 62.7g
vocalizing before feed chirp & rasp.
20:00 3.0cc SMA & SusT.
22:00 3.0cc SMA & SusT.
Am abl eto induce scratch
response by stimulation
in shoulder region but
scratch not coordinated.
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[[start page]]
1245 (midnite)
Fed 3.0cc SMA & Sust
still will not cling for
prolonged periods.
Appears that hindfeet are
clinging better than forefeet
for long durations.
Prefers sleeping horizontally.
Is more active in cage, i.e.
moving around fur.
Can right himself but
squirms a lot