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29 July 77 Day 20 [[E]]=27.7 cc

0830 4.6 cc SMA & Sust.

1100 4.0 cc SMA & Sust (new batch)
defecated & urinated before feed

1240 Wght 72.4 g

1320 4.0 cc SMA & Sust.

15:40 awake & squeaking in incubator

1600 4 cc SMA & Sust.
clinging well in incubator

1900 4 cc SMA & Sust

21:15 3.9 cc SMA & Sust.

23:00 3.2 cc SMA & Sust
hiccups after feeding
Comments:  (a) gazing around frequently (b) clasp & unclasp of fore & hindlimbs
(c) head tilt during gaze
(d) rasp more common during
awake hungry period.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

30 July 77 day 21 [[E]]=31.6cc 

^3.9 [[underlined]]

0815 5.0 cc SMA & Sust

1030 defecated brown firm bolus
Fed (10:30-11AM) 4.0 cc SMA & Sust
(new batch)
and ~0.5 cc Gerbers rice cereal
& milk formula

14:00 Fed 4.2 cc SMA & Sust.
midway in feed
wght 75.8g

1630 4.5 cc SMA & Sust

1845 5.0 cc SMA & Sust.

21:30 SMA & Sust
had defecated before feeding
looser than usual
([[Gray]] wedding party & Redford 
b-b-que - lots of noise & people)

2345 3.9 cc SMA & Sust.
awake as long as there's noise &
people - during [[Gray]] party & BBQ.

Transcription Notes:
There is an equation in the upper right corner of the second page; I wasn't sure how to notate this, since the author is clearly just doing the math to get to 31.6