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1 Aug 77 Day 23 [[E]]=31.4 cc
[[E]]=1.4 cereal
0815 had defecated - feces firm
6 cc SMA & Sust full strength

1100 hrs. 4.0 cc SMA & Sust
.7 cc Gerbers rice cereal

Green records vocs.

1400 3.4 cc SMA & Sust
(new formula)
1.0 cc Gerber's cereal
(rice) mixed with milk.
Cereal taken more
eagerly & efficiently.

1700 loose feces
wght 77.7 before
Fed 6.0 cc SMA & Sust.

1930 5 cc SMA & Sust

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

2200 Had defecated - feces firm
3.5 cc SMA & Sust

0030 3.5 cc SMA & Sust


(1) Almost able to sit upright
but still keeps fists clenched
when holding forequarters
raised.  Hindfeet
still occasionally crossed.
Tail usually held straight
out [[scratched out]] behind.

(2) Has long bouts of grooming 
after a feed, including
[[?]] scratching
alternating with scratching
[[strikethrough]] fores [[/strikethrough]] rump with forefoot.
Scratch reflex for several 