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9 Aug 77 Day 31 [[E]]=28.9 cc SMA & S
[[E]]= 6.9 cc cereal
[[E]]= 3.0 cc applesauce

0830 1.4 cc cereal
5.0 cc SMA & Sust
one fecal bolus present in cage
defecated after feed - both firm

1100 0.8 cc cereal
5.0 cc SMA & Sust (new batch)
feces present - firm

1330 Loose feces present
1345 1.0 cc cereal
5.0 cc SMA & Sust
is alternating ^fore limbs when
trying to walk -
Can almost walk

Using hands to try & grab
at things although 
doesn't have eye-motor
coordination yet.

1530 Photos - stills - L. Dorsey
outdoors; fast film

Wght 98.9 g

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1630 1.5 cc cereal
5.2 cc SMA & Sust
defecated before feed - firm

1930 3.0 cc applesauce
3.5 cc SMA & Sust.
After feed chewed on piece of
Is able to stand & alternate
limbs for walking altho
can't walk more than 1-2
steps.  Grabbing at objects
w/ hands.
Pouncing at objects
Rasp voc. when hungry!

Able to stand on hindlegs
while holding self up by
Really moving around & exploring
environment deliberately.

2300 5.2 cc SMA & Sust
1.2 cc cereal (Gerbers rice & pulverized monkey chow)
Fed last part of formula
from a spoon!