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E = 29.2 cc SMA + Sust
E = 13.3 cc cereal
E = 1.6 cc Gerbers pears
13 Aug 77 Day 35 

1000 AM 5 cc SMA + Sust,
1.6 cc Gerbers pears

1230 3.0 cc cereal (rice + monkey chow)
mixed with banana

2.0 cc formula(SMA + Sust)

1400 Wgt 107.4g

During weighing produced
chirps. After, while Kennedy
holding him produced
3 note long call or beginnings
Pounces now include
both fore + hindlimbs off ground.

Vocs now include loud chirp,
rasp, 3 note call (sometime 2
sylabbles), purr.

Rasp usually 2 notes. 

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1445  3cc Gerbers HiPro 
2.8 cc SMA + Sust 
+ 5.0 cc SMA + Sust
(new batch)

1730 5.0 cc SMA + Sust
2.8 Rice + monkey chow cereal 

2000 5.2cc SMA + Sust
2.0cc HiPro Gerbers
apple pieces eaten before feed
Attempts to hold apple in hand + put in mouth.
feces this PM have been
looser + greener

2330 2.5cc Gerbers HiPro + monkey chow cereal
4.2 cc SMA + Sust

pounced with Rt + Left off sulstrate
exploratory behavior +
play now common-
pouncing mainly during play
but manipulating objects with
hands + mouth. Side to side gaze still
common. Biting at objects.