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#1 (1982)
[[box]] 1982 - [[/box]] With Mittermiern,Jensen, Andy Young, Claudio working at CPRJ.

Visit Coimbra - emphasis on restoration of Poco das Antas; epiphytes, + lime to [[arrow up]] alkalinity of soil.

Meet at CPRJ Russ; Renato Petry Leal(IBDF)
Coimbra, Claudio, Jensen
Renato agrees that research/ activities could focus on corridors; transplanting epiphytes, spreading lime over pasture, planting small orchids ^[[ai]] if fruit trees.

Was Maria Teresa there? (see notes on yellow pad from meetings)

Russ insists that WWF be significant player in any written agreement. 

[[box]] 18 June 82 [[/box]] 1st visit to Poco. Photo GLTS near entrance. Wall thru reserve to near dam.  (1 1/2 hrs)
Checked on ^[[old]] fazenda home for rehab.