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[[circled]]2[[/circled]] Tiger exhibit
[[image- sketch of tiger exhibit layout]]

[[circled]]3[[/circled]] 2 Pteronura (more Pteronura)

[[circled]]4[[/circled]] 2 Ailurus

9 Chrysocyon present
3 young [[symbol for male]]
1 pr Brasilia
2 "[[ditto for pr]] Sao Paulo

For Autuori
-Red panda diet
-cage design & picture
-Phone Clyde Hill in San Diego
-re: Orangutan Karen
-re: GLMs

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1 Red pandas photos of cage & diet

2 Autuori exchanged ^[[black & orange]] jaguars
with San Diego for [[symbol for female]] orang.  [[strikethrough]] ^[[Karm]] [[/strikethrough]]
Has telegrammed San Diego but no response.

Info. on orang. Karen
age, etc.

One pair together for > 1 year Crates # 1 & 2

One male, one female, separate Crates # 3 & 4 from Nogueira

Autori will speak with Reed in Colorado Springs

Dr. Lilian - Veterinarian
Dr Helio Belliomini[[?]] - Consultant & Herpetologist

Freight charge for animals
3,000 Cruzeiros
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 75