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Most hybrids are

C. geoffroyi x penicillata x flaviceps

Has C aurita (2)
Sag. bicolor (1)

Sag. medias (1) with hybrid C. Kuhli 
Had just received @ 9-10 Lr chrysomelas which were mainly in quarantine.

Lr rosalia @ 18
Lr chrysopygus @ 18-20
" [[ditto for Lr]] chrysomlas @ [[striketrough]] 10- [[/strikethrough]] 15-20 with new arrivals

Has 3 Cebus apella of 2 subspecies. 

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[[strikethrough]] 26 [[/strikethrough]] Returned to Rio; quick swim; met with Carlos Alves to organize call to Milton Thiago - Carlos friend of Gustavo, had run C. penicillata colony in Brasilia after Gustavo left; had some experience in neurobiology; no field experience.

Finally arranged dinner with Alfie, Alies, Chuck, Sandy & graduate student of Bob Goy's at wisc. Jon Thornton (working on androgenized [[female gender symbol]] macaques)  & boyfriend Michael Lewis.

Ate at Restaurant Moenda
Hotel Trocadero.
Av. Atlantica, Capa.
Good food with reasonable prices.