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30 Jan

Shop in AM & write notes up. Organize info.

Go to airport PM and wait around for Thiago's son to return from England.

Finally on plane to B.H.

Inaugural ceremony for B. Soc. Zoology in evening.

31 Jan [Mond]. — 5 Feb.

Conference accomplishments

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]. Meeting with Milton, Coimbra,
Russ, Celio re: field course

[[circled a [[/circled]] 9 week course
3 1/2 wks Brasilia
4  "[[ditto for wks]] Montes Claros
1 1/2 "[[ditto for wks]] Rio & P d'A.

Transcription Notes:
Unclear what the "ditto" at the bottom was referring to. - looks like " for wks