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[[image - diagram of "CENTIGRADA" vs. "FAHRENHEIT" temperature.  The Centigrade scale ranges from 0-50 degrees; Fahrenheit scale ranges from 32 to 112 degrees, with 0ºC equal to 32ºF and 45ºC equal to 112ºF.]]

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[[[left hand column]]
• Para sua segurança - Pedimos ao Sr Hóspede que, ao sair, mantenha fechado seu aposento, entregando a chave na Portaria. Por favor, quando estiver no seu quarto, não deixe a chave na fechadura do lado de fora.

• Pedimos ao Sr Hóspede, ao sair do seu aposento, a gentileza de desligar a luz e o aparelho de ar condicionado.

• O Hotel dispõe de um salão de visitas no segunda andar, sendo, por êste motivo, proibidas visitas nos apartamentos.
[[/left hand column]]

[[right hand column]]
• Bedroom Key: The Visitor is advised to close the door when leaving the room and to deposit key with the Enquiry Clerk.  When in room, please do not leave the key in the lock on corridor side.

• The Visitor is advised to switch off the light and the air-conditioned set when leaving room.

• The Hotel has a living-room on the second floor for you, your family and friends.  We regret that our Visitor's guests are not allowed to enter the apartments.
[[/right hand column]]