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I get somewhat annoyed with his presence since it seems he has no business being around & he just takes up time - although he personally is sensitive to such things, other people who show up need not be.

He was recommended by Mittermeier to call Coimbra, Dionisio, & to come to PdA thru Dionisio.

He apparently works part-time for WWF but makes his living in Nepal by taking tour groups around. 

Says he studied primates at the Primate Center- Univ. of Hawaii.

I assume that he has only a semi-real connection

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to both conservation & primatology, & am annoyed that he just walks in - altho it is not his fault. It is Mittermeier's.

But also Jim's since Jim & Lou Ann essentially open their doors to anyone who shows up.

Since I've been here we have had staying
Ben & Beate in their tent
Carlos Laurenz Beth
Dionisio & 3 film crew
David Rann
2 IBDF people from Belo Horizonte

Then 2 other specialists show up on Friday & tent out near chicken coop.