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I return to the house of B & B, & we clean up. Jim had organized to go to Casimiro to see an exhibition Lou Ann was putting on. JMO decided to bring in E'pides, Tintinha, kids & Antonio & leave the students & B & B at home.

Laurenz decides to go in & Carlos follows suit & hitches a ride with Laurenz' motorcycle.

B & B are dropped off back at Pedreira to their camp & we hit the road. We end up too late for LAD so we eat at a new restaurante & hit home even after LAD.

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Monday 18 June 84

I was supposed to go to CPRJ with B & B [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] to pick up the Beck "girls", [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] bring back the rest of the animals to P d'A [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] say goodbye- [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] eat churrasco-

I decide not to go, partly because of animals but because I need to pack & talk to Jim & Lou Ann about budgets.

Animals hang around near Viv I., but I keep losing them since Micoeca keeps going into scrub & I have a really difficult time following them. They also seem to lose him. About the time I plan to leave, Mc disappears & #6 start L. C. for him. I'm sure he doesn't respond because he can hear the