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Howser has been a constant problem; 
1) never getting anything done on time;
2) Never setting priorities
3) Never saying what has been or has not been completed
4) Never asking for help when she's behind.
5) Not communicating with Jim & Lou Ann about what's happening.

But there have been no major financial disasters yet, altho with Jim bouncing one check, it was pretty close.

J.T.L.A. D salaries
Not opening mail
Dietz put $5,000 of own $.
Not sending account statements.

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I'd spoken to him briefly at Pesagros about application for the PhD program at George Mason. I also encourage him to apply to UVA & VPI in biology & environmental sciences.

Laurenz interviews two people who want work, one, a stutterer who traps & sells birds; the other a barefoot black that gave Ben, Ines et al the creeps.

After dinner Jim & I have one of our long-ranging talks about his future, Carlos, Andy.

We end up straightening out some parts of the budget.

Betty Howser is due to be called tomorrow to see if $18,000 had or will be deposited When I had talked with her on Mond. it wasn't clear whether the Dietz would have any money at all.