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[[underlined]] Senior Assistantship [[/underlined]]

FONZ $ due 2 Sept

Lou Ann support

Andy Baker →  [[underlined]] SI Fellowship [[/underlined]]

$18,000 Jim
[[line across page]]

[[strikethrough]] memo FONZ proposals complete by 24 Aug.
Bemrschke wants paper

Jan 16 - Riverbanks Zoo talk
instead of 14 Jan
Elise: bad dream that Karl had moved in & sold all my furniture.

Gail needs my arrival time.
Call Bob & give him my best; I hope his interviews were OK.
Tell Bob to take my car to airport in [in case B&B need lift] If convenient.

Tell Judith that I'm bringing in blood

Call Jake & [[strikethrough]] tell h [[/strikethrough]] tell him that lunch on 11 Aug is complicated & to call Elise & tell her where I can find him. [[/strikethrough]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

GLT budgets

Osborne computer - [[underlined]] for Andy [[/underlined]]

Lisa Former
has enough to do isozyme study

Will mitochondria DNA study be worth it?

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Can O'Brien's lab handle a lot of samples.

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Will we get much more data.

[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] Is Lisa capable of doing the mito. DNA?
NO: wait till next year

[[underlined]] Feb. [[/underlined]]

on her own money if she wants 
trapping in August.
[[short line]]

last 2 weeks in Sept. Jim getting ready to leave.
[[line across page]]

[[strikethrough]] Write Beates check [[/strikethrough]]