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Went as far as Viveiro #1 location - which had grown back considerably. Couldn't find the nest box nor the original trees on which the nb hung, although the area was still recognizable. 

It was eerie - because so much more emotional effort had gone into Viv. #1 animals (Kings Island) and there the [[strikethrough]] sig [[/strikethrough]] site was abandoned. Reminded me of an abandoned Maya pyramid [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] whose purpose couldn't be recreated because not enough evidence about function.

Slogged back to car from breja & had lunch.

Group #1 apparently hasnt been fed for over a year and hasn't been

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seen since mid - January & before that not often since no radios are working and they are harder to locate than Micueca (#9 still holds a transmitter).

They are hard to trap so that its nearly impossible to work ^[[them]] up & keep marks organized.

After lunch - Jim [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] works with Laurenz; I work on AA2PA paper.

For dinner maracujá batidas; meat, rice, & [[strikethrough]] fela [[/strikethrough]] Fejoão (beans), and I work on making choc. chip cookies.

Elpides & Otavio eat with us, but Elpidio won't eat until Lou Ann fills his plate.

Young woman from Vicosa, Christína,