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Doesn't necessarily suggest current reproduction.

[[circled]] c [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] trapping & de [[/strikethrough]] What are limits of weights for subadults? 
DAG recommends 450-550 grams

And juvenile 350-450 g

And Inf. < 350 g.

check woolly pelage with weight. 

Are there animals under 550g. with developed sternal/ circumgenital glands? What does their tooth wear look like?

[[circled]] D [[/circled]] What constitutes a member of a group?

1) How are group counts & sex & age composition determined? 

[[circled]] a [[/circled]] Trapping
Animals trapped together may include neighbors [[double underlined]] if [[/double underlined]] trapped animals

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22 Feb 86

act as decoys

(eg ♀ from Carlos group with Banana Ouro group)

Could there be seasonal differences in
[[circled]] a [[/circled]] Attraction & repulsion of neighbors
[[circled]] b [[/circled]] Home range overlap
[[circled]] c [[/circled]] degree of trappability of individuals
[[circled]] d [[/circled]] subgroup development
[[circled]] e [[/circled]] immigration & emigration

How do you differentiate real changes in group composition from trapping [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] data:
with [[strikethrough]] change [[/strikethrough]] apparent changes due to [[strikethrough]] [[new?]] [[/strikethrough]] group members from 2 or more groups being trapped at same site?

Site selection: [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] w/in known home range VS
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] at [[strikethrough] brea [[/strikethrough]] border of several home ranges

[[circled]] b [[/circled]] Visual confirmation & following of marked animals over several days/weeks. Use of same night time roosting site.