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[[circled]] A [[/circled]] Requirements for appropriate determination of mating system with sufficient reliability: 
What % of slack is permitted? How to determine the mode thru relative abundances?
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Individuals identification in field
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Sex and age of individuals determined. 
[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] Reproductive behavior documented in field
[[circled]] a [[/circled]] [[male symbol]]: Copulatory bevior with [[female symbol]] That produces offspring. Includes mount; thrust; known intromission [ejac. may be difficult to determine].
[Paternity studies would be nice]
[[circled]] b [[/circled]] [[female symbols]]: Pregnancy confirmed. Delivery date known within several days. Lactational status observed. Copulatory partners documented. 
[[circled]] B [[/circled]] Requirements for strict territorial behavior interpretation:

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22 Feb 86

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Home range sizes of known groups clearly identified
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Small % of overlap permitted at all seasons. Simultaneous visual confirmations of locations required to ensure that groups move separately.

[At PdA; would daily attempt to locate a group thru triangulation by worth it? Has Dietz compared perceived location with real location?
All locations should be collected between 4-6 PM when animals in nest boxes.]

[[circled]] C [[/circled]] How to determine degree of solidity; rigidity of group size/composition/social organization? [e.g. Does subgrouping exist seasonally; Do animals move between groups?
1. Consecutive simultaneous observations of close [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] neighboring groups. 

2. Trapping runs problem of trap site location relative to home range boundaries.