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where she was studying recovering populations after a cropping effort vs. Garber working with a stable saturated pop'n. Check it!

[[underlined]] L. rosalia [[/underlined]] sex ratios are about 1:1 in the Reserve, but population may be expanding. We don't know.

Jim & I go to Casimiro to ^[[try to]] talk with Judith in DC about the chrysomelas shipment. All is go on her end. Also speak with Ben briefly.

[[circled]] NOTE: [[/circled]] Brazil devalued the "cruzeiro" this morning for 1st time in 20 years & changed the name of its currency to "cruzado." Official exchange rate on arrival was 13,000 cr/$ (unofficial 17,500). With the change official rate now 13.8 cz/$ (unofficial ~ 20 cz/$).

Wages & prices were frozen. Banks closed today. Some rioting. Lots of worry. 
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Sat. 1 March 86

[[underlined]] 1 March 86 [[/underlined]]

Jogged in AM - Felt awful as usual.

Continued to read Carlos' paper on group structure in [[underlined]] L. rosalia [[/underlined]] & callitrichids

Useful for thinking

Finished document for SI Research Policy Comm.

Started & completed updated list of telephone numbers & addresses for Brasil.

Went out with Jim Elpidio & Otavio to check the traps at Portuense and along the new road to Aristedes house.  Jim & I