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again but leave the traps open for another 2-3 hrs. 

We return about 2:30 & it begins absolutely pouring with rain. Had had a regular PM downpour, except for the past few days. 

Otavio & Elpidio go out again. There were @ 4 animals trapped but they were ^[[re-]]captures. So they were released. 

Otavio said that he took off all his clothes & checked traps wearing only a rain poncho.

[[underlined]] Trapping: [[/underlined]] Elpidio & Otavio have tended to leave house @ 0600 hours to set traps usually setting about 8-10 traps per site and about 5-6 sites. They check traps about noon & again at 3PM. When they have

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2 Mar 86

trapped many tamarins by noon, they'll bring them in for processing. 

Thurs, there [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] was one day when Jim processed two batches of animals. 

Trapping data is very complicated!

After return, I wrote basis for a press release when (and if) the [[strikethrough]] chrysoyg chrysopy [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] chrysomelas [[/underlined]] leave which Lou Ann, Beth & Inez later turn into Portuguese. I also write letter to Dionozio to go with the budget summary we gave him. 

Inez returns back from Sao Paulo.

N.O. group is worse according to Inez & Zeke with Butterscotch & all other on ground & Butterscotch & Venus begging for food. Venus rasping.