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to Jordan's home ^[[apartment]] for some wine (J. a wine conneiseur)(Later Lou Ann explains that his two children are by his first wife, who died when their youngest was about a year old. He raised his sons for several years before meeting & marrying Marta. I think some of Jordan's sensitivity & conviction & security may relate back.)

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4 March 86 

4 March 86

[[circled]] A [[/circled]] MARIA TERESA
Started out the morning with a meeting with Maria Teresa. Jim & Lou Ann maintained most of the conversation in Portuguese & spoke of education [[strikethrough]] Cs [[/strikethrough]] conservation, zoo, wildlife management, Rudy's training course etc. Significant outcomes

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] IBDF: M.T. was just about to testify before some judicial commission in the attorney general's office re: the corruption under the previous President IBDF. 

a. She looked awful - unrecognizeable - hair messy; not very attractive outfit; no make-up; no jewelry. Not at all the normally overdressed bejewelled M.T. Jim thought she was playing her image down to make her testimony more believable. A dowdy looking civil servant!

[[circled]] b [[/circled]] She said things ^[[were]] so bad that she wasn't going back into govt. for 3 years after next elections. Implied that next elections govt would → govt change.