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[[underlined]]SECTION I

1. [[underlined]]AIRCRAFT.[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]a[[/underlined]]. Any person who sees any airplane crash will give the alarm immediately in the following manner:- Call the telephone operator and say, "Airplane crash at - - - - -" (giving location of crash).
[[underlined]]b[[/underlined]]. The Crash Alarm Telephone (222) will be used for Crash Alarm only, and not for general telephone calls.
[[underlined]]c[[/underlined]]. The telephone operator will immediately notify the following:

Commanding Officer
Medical Officer of the Day
Post Operations Officer
Post Engineering Officer
Provost Marshal
Officer of the Day
Fire Department
Sub-Depot Commander
Technical Inspector

[[underlined]]d[[/underlined]]. When it is obvious, that all possible assistance is being rendered at the scene of an accident, no persons (except those listed above) will be permitted to be present at the scene of the crash.
[[underlined]]e[[/underlined]]. In case of a serious accident to a person in the military service from which death seems imminent, the Chaplain will be given prompt notice thereof by the senior officer or enlisted man present.

2. [[underlined]]MOTOR VEHICLES.[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]a[[/underlined]]. Any person operating a privately owned vehicle on the Post, who happens to cause injury to any person or property of another will render first aid, if necessary, and report the facts involving the accident to the Provost Marshal. All accidents will be reported.
