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applicant, after each registration has been approved. This authority for operating private motor vehicles at this station must be carried by drivers when engaged in operating their motor vehicles on the Post. 
[[underline]] d. [[/underline]] All military and permanently employed civilian personnel of this station are required to have Air Corps tags on Privately owned motor vehicles before being allowed to operate said vehicle on the Post. Tags are obtained through the Office of the Provost Marshal.
[[underline]] e. [[/underline]] The speed limit on gravel roads will be 10 miles per hour; on paved roads 25 miles per hour unless otherwise designated.
[[underline]] f. [[/underline]] No automobiles will be driven across the flying field or on runways.

[[centered]] [[underline]] SECTION VI
BUILDINGS [[/centered]] [[/underline]]
a. [[/underline]] Request for repairs, alterations or construction will be submitted by the organization commanders and department heads [[underline]] to [[/underline]] the Commanding Officer, TAFS, [[underline]] through [[/underline]] the Post Engineer.
[[underline]] b. [[/underline]] The police of buildings and surroundings is the direct responsibility of the officer in command or in charge thereof, who will make frequent inspections to assure himself that the fire, police and sanitary regulations are being complied with.
[[centered]] [[underline]] SECTION VII
COMMISSARY [[/centered]] [[/underline]]
a. [[/underline]] Commissary Sales. - Commissary sales will be made daily from 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 4:45 P.M. Daily, except Sunday.

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