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c. Street lights, flood lights and fire alarm lights will not be turned on until sundown. They will be turned off at daybreak.

[[center]][[underlined]]SECTION XXII
SECURITY AND DEFENSE[[/underlined]][[/center]]
1. The Base Defense, Plans and Training Officer will have prepared at all times a Station Defense and Evacuation Plan which will go into effect in the event of attack, air raid, or riot.
2. Commanders of tactical units stationed on this Post will have prepared, at all times, Unit Defense Plans for their respective organizations. These plans will be co-ordinated with the Station Defense Plan, and will go into effect the same time as the Station Defense Plan.

[[center]][[underlined]]SECTION XXIII
TELEGRAMS AND TELEPHONE CALLS[[/underlined]][[/center]]
1.[[underlined]]a.[[/underlined]] No official long distance calls will be made from this station except on authority from the Post Adjutant.
[[underlined]]b.[[/underlined]] Official long distance telephone call "Collect" into this station will be made only in the event of an emergency and then only when telegraph facilities are not available.
[[underlined]]c.[[/underlined]] No personal long distance calls will be placed or received by any enlisted man of this Command from any telephone on this Station except authorized public pay stations.
[[underlined]]d.[[/underlined]] Request for additional telephone facilities will be submitted to the Commanding Officer[[underlined]]through[[/underlined]] the Post Signal Officer for approval.
[[underlined]]e.[[/underlined]] The Western Union and Postal Telegraph Office and facilities will

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