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operate between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Money orders will be accepted up to 4:15 P.M. only.
[[underlined]]f.[[/underlined]] The Telephone Office will operate on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. Official telephone messages may be sent and received from any PX Station.
[[underlined]]g.[[/underlined]] From 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. the Telephone Office is closed to all persons except the Commanding Officer or his representative.
2.[[underlined]]INFORMATION OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]a.[[/underlined]] All persons on duty with radio, telephone or telegraph systems on the Post are prohibited from disclosing information of official matters which passes over those systems, except to the proper officer to whom the information is sent or from whom it is received for transmission, unless specifically directed to do so by the Commanding Officer. This prohibition does not apply to the dissemination of meterological or other data pertaining to flying conditions.

[[underlined]]SECTION XXIV[[/underlined]]
1.[[underlined]]POOL OF MOTOR VEHICLES.[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]a.[[/underlined]] The Post Transportation Officer controls the operation of all government vehicles at this station, with the exception of the few fuel servicing trucks in the Squadrons.
[[underlined]]a.[[/underlined]] Operators of government and organizational motor vehicles will be required to pass a driving test under the supervision of the organization commander concerned. This test will include a thorough knowledge of post traffic regulations.

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