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Office of the Intelligence Officer
A. P. O. 520, U.S. Army

24 March 1945.

[[underlined]] NARRATIVE MISSION REPORT NO. 246 [[/underlined]]

MISSION NO. 246 - 99TH, 100TH, 301st Fighter Squadrons.

1.  MISSION:  To provide close escort on penetration to prudent limit of endurance for B-17's of 5th Bomb Wing attacking DAIMLER/BENZ TANK ASSEMBLY PLANT, BERLIN GERMANY.

2.  AIRCRAFT STATISTICS:  59 P-51's off at 0930 hours. Effectives sorties: 54.  Non-effective sorties: 5, 4 mechanical, 1 cockpit.

38 A/C R/V at 1145 hours. 43 A/C in T/A at 1215 hours. 52 A/C down at base at 1800 hours. 2 A/C at FF. 1 lost: At 1215 hours at 5210N - 1205B at 26,000 feet 1 P-51 had its right wing shot off in an encounter with 3 ME-262's. Pilot is believed to have parachuted. 4 missing: 2 A/C were last heard from over R/T at 1400 hours as they attempted to contact Rimini A/D. 1 A/C was last seen at 1215 hours at 26,000 feet above 5210N - 1205E in area of encounter with E/A. 1 A/C was last seen at 1315 hours at 22,000 feet above the 4900N - 1345E. A/C was in no apparent difficulty. 

3.  NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF MISSION:  59 P-51's took off from Ramitelli A/D at 0930 hors. 5 A/C returned early and were classed as NES. Proceeding on briefed course 38 A/C R/V with assigned bombers at 1145 hours at 25,000 feet above 5020N - 1313E. Though 16 other P-51's were in the same area they did not R/V with designated lead group of B-17's (as directed by group leader) but did furnish general route cover on penetration and later engaged attacking enemy fighters.  After R/V close escort on penetration was furnished to assigned bombers as briefed.  At 1205 hours 2 P-51's withdrew from 5210N - 1205E at 26,000 feet.  43 P-51's continued on course to the area of 5208N - 1304E where at 1210 hours 25 E/A were encountered in a running engagement that lasted until 1225 hours and extended into the immediate vicinity and over Berlin.  After the encounter the remaining P-51's made a Fighter Sweep of the T/A.  On withdrawal 2 P-51's strafed rail traffic at 1310 hours at 4825N - 1330E, 2 additional P-51's strafed rail traffic at 4825N - 1240E at 1315 hours.  At 1315 hours 1 other P-51 strafed rail traffic at 4803N - 1331E.  52 P-51's were down at base by 1800 hours.  1 P-51 is lost and 4 are missing and 2 are at FF.  Formation Leader: Col. Davis.

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